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With decades of management experience in various areas of the gaming market, we offer the best possible and most modern strategic consulting. Our service portfolio includes the development of new and the evaluation of existing venues, the further development of gaming services, as well as all regulatory, fiscal and governance issues.
The Aleatrust team knows how important skilled staff is in this sensitive market. From decades of experience in this industry, we offer a comprehensive and individually adaptable training portfolio at a fair price in conjunction with the online training professionals from Digiteach-Academy.
In cooperation with Digiteach-Academy, Aleatrust develops courses and tutorials for employees in the gaming industry. This is where the team's decades of national and international experience come into play. The latest trends and developments are incorporated as well as the tradition of the classics. Croupier and Croupière, Dealers, but also the personnel in catering, administration, organization, service and management absolutely need a profound understanding of the gaming procedures and all of its processes in order to provide all guests and participants with a perfect and carefree gaming experience.
Gaming operators worldwide are looking for staff with increasing urgency. However, the search for employees often fails due to time and location factors, as training does not necessarily guarantee employment and often requires applicants to relocate for months. On-site courses are time-consuming and very cost-intensive. If participants are found to be only conditionally suitable after a few days or weeks, the time spent beforehand was a bad investment.
With online courses, potential employees are prepared and screened, drastically reducing the time spent on in-person training. Applicants can thus already acquire almost all of the theoretical course content and train practical parts of the courses at home before they decide to take the job and complete the shortened in-person practical portion of the course at the respective company. Gaming operators thus reach a large number of applicants, who otherwise would not have been willing to invest the time and travel. During the courses, the content learned is tested after each chapter. This ensures that graduates of the courses already have all the necessary basic knowledge and have dealt intensively with the subject matter.
Dealer Training Online
Currently, the course for poker dealers is in production. In this program, candidates learn the game, its many variations, and the methods of operation from the ground up. Handling of cards and chips are included, as well as procedures, rules, tournaments, cash games, rake and any irregularities that may occur while working at the table. Graduates of this online course only need the finishing touches in handling and working methods before they are assigned to the table.
Subsequently, courses for roulette, blackjack and other casino games will also be offered starting in 2023. All courses are modular and can accordingly take into account local procedures and house rules. During production, Aleatrust and Digiteach-Academy will already anticipate all this and can thus adapt the courses to the respective wishes of the casinos.
Furthermore, there is of course the option to produce individual courses for casinos or to supplement individual parts of the courses at the customer's request.
Slot Parlor and Betting Office Training Online
Due to the often extensive branch network of providers, the training of new employees frequently becomes a personnel-intensive matter for the operators. A large part of the content to be imparted can also be done via customized online training. Employees can internalize the in-house processes and the required knowledge at home, which significantly reduces the personnel-intensive training time.
Receptionist and Cashier Training Online
Online training is also beneficial for these areas. New employees can learn the procedures and processes before they start work for the first time. In case of system changes or new procedures, an online course replaces the personnel- and time-intensive on-site training.
Responsible Gaming (RG) Training Online
All licensed gaming operators require regular RG training for their employees. Aleatrust offers frequent training sessions and an RG Academy in cooperation with the association "RG Forum Austria'' (RGFA). All lectures and instructions are recorded and can be accessed online. Attendance confirmations and certificates to prove the consumed RG content will be issued by RGFA.
Of course, your internal training can also be recorded and made available to your employees via the learning platform.
Compliance Training Online
Subsequently, regular compliance training is also offered on all topics of this complex area. Individual training videos for your processes can be produced if desired.
Security Training Online
Gaming operators need a comprehensive security concept to protect guests, employees and material assets. General training in this area is offered, as well as courses created specifically for your company.
Annual Safety Briefings Online
Many areas of a company require annual refresher courses for all employees. Whether cleaning, fire protection, first aid, and so forth - all theoretical content and most practical instructions can be taught via an online course with a certificate of attendance.
Thanks to decades of experience in the gaming sector, Aleatrust has a worldwide network of contacts in the industry. Whether exchange with other providers, search for suitable suppliers, or the desire to address new players and markets - Aleatrust has the right partners and is looking forward to supporting you.
The Aleatrust team regularly visits major trade fairs, follows product launches and stays up to date with the latest slot and live game innovations. We are also no strangers to Web 3.0, augmented and virtual reality, as well as other innovations, which will do much more than just set new accents in the industry in the coming years.
Supplier Network
Choosing the right equipment and gaming range is a decision that should be made carefully. Aleatrust knows the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment currently available on the market and will be happy to work with you to determine which range best suits your offer and your needs.
Operator Network
Particularly in direct exchanges between providers in the gaming sector, there is often a reluctance to share information. No one likes to reveal their secrets of success and as a result, the shared potential of an open exchange is not infrequently misjudged. Filtering the important contacts and leads in order to promote a relaxed and productive dialog is a challenge that Aleatrust gladly accepts.
Key Player Network
There are also quite a few key players and "influencers" in the gaming sector who need to be convinced. Aleatrust has already identified many of these guests and knows their needs, interests and preferences. Whether it is your own high-roller areas, the establishment of a sought-after game that is not offered in the surrounding area, or the development of new visitor groups - Aleatrust identifies the required key players and will gladly create an acquisition concept for you.
Event Organization and Optimation
It is not uncommon for events in gaming operations to be planned and scheduled out of "tradition". The power of this habit tempts providers time and again to disregard current trends, possible scheduling conflicts, as well as the general consideration of how timely and beneficial the event still is for the operator. Upon request, Aleatrust will examine the current planning processes and will be happy to create optimized concepts for you.
Im Laufe ihrer jeweiligen Karrieren waren die Mitglieder des Aleatrust-Teams maßgeblich an der Planung von unzähligen Events in Glücksspielbetrieben beteiligt. Von handverlesenen Highroller Runden bis hin zu mehrtägigen Veranstaltungen mit tausenden Besuchern - Aleatrust verfügt über profunde Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen.
Aleatrust bietet ein allumfassendes Portfolio an Leistungen rund um das Thema Poker: von der Marktevaluierung über die Strategieentwicklung bis zum Rollout eines neuen oder der Optimierung eines bestehenden Angebotes - inklusive Ausrichtung hochkarätiger Turniere und der Ansprache von Topspielern aus aller Welt.
Poker has a unique characteristic among all games in a casino - it is the only game that is not played against the house, but is played by the players against each other. For this reason, it is often neglected and treated stepmotherly even by experienced gaming managers. Yet poker in particular enjoys such strong public interest and attention as no other game. Tournaments attract thousands of visitors from all over the world and are regularly broadcast on TV and streaming formats.
Many casinos have already recognized that poker should be given a higher profile and that a well-run poker section can make a significant contribution to revenue. While the poker game itself may at first glance appear to be staff-intensive and not very profitable, the indirect profitability from these additional visitors should not be overlooked.
Aleatrust verfügt über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Poker-Bereich, sowohl in konzessionierten Spielbanken, als auch in der Privatwirtschaft. Nicht nur in Österreich, sondern auch international haben die Mitglieder des Aleatrust-Teams unzählige Events der größten Poker-Touren organisiert und begleitet. Unter anderem war unser Team für die World Series of Poker (WSOP), World Poker Tour (WPT), European Poker Tour (EPT), Poker-Europameisterschaft und Concord Million im Einsatz bzw. verantwortlich. Aleatrust steht gerne in allen Bereichen des Pokerspiels tatkräftig zur Seite, kennt die Marktsituationen, die international erfolgreichen Profis und die höchst erfolgreichen Hobbyspieler und lädt diese gerne zu Events und Turnieren bei Aleatrust Kunden ein.
Optimization of Poker Operations
Aleatrust analyzes your current poker operation and provides expert advice on how to make it even more successful. This includes on the one hand the rules, working methods and processes including training of the employees, and on the other hand the optimization of the offer (cash game limits, betting structures and buy-ins, tournament planning, structures and prize money).
Organization of Poker Tournaments and Festivals
Whether you already have an idea or prefer to hand over the entire planning - the Aleatrust team has successfully organized countless tournaments and can ensure that everything runs smoothly. This includes, if desired, the creation of tournament plans, the coordination with international events to avoid scheduling conflicts, the acquisition of personnel, the organization of equipment, and of course the management of the tournaments by trained staff.
Organization of Poker Equipment
There is hardly any other casino game where players spend as much time at the table as in poker. The selection of the right furniture and equipment therefore makes a decisive contribution to the comfort and subsequently the length of stay of the guests. Whether basic equipment or upgrades - Aleatrust has the contact to manufacturers and can filter out the suitable products together with you.
Organization of Poker Dealers
Not only through the training platform, but also through Europe-wide contacts to training centers and poker staffing agencies, Aleatrust has a broad network and can arrange temporary staff for large events.
Arrangement of Poker Events and Tours
Aleatrust has close contact with poker tours and poker travel providers who are always looking for new locations to host their events. Together we can find the right partner for events in your casino.
In existing structures and operations, it does not take long for a certain operational blindness to set in. Once established, an external view is needed to identify deficiencies and optimization potential. Aleatrust can provide this perspective, as well as concrete suggestions for maximizing operating results.
Sometimes it's just inconveniently placed gaming tables or slots that unintentionally reduce guest comfort and thus hurt the bottom line, or the new, supposedly better, seating doesn't stand up to the long-term test and the situation is recognized too late. The smallest changes can trigger a domino effect in gaming companies that must be stopped in time.
Casinos und Glücksspielbetriebe mag es auf (fast) der ganzen Welt geben, aber die perfekten Rahmenbedingungen sind so regional wie die jeweiligen Küchen und Dialekte. Die korrekte Ansprache der Gäste, die lokalen Hausregeln und -Bräuche bei Live- und Slot Games, der Wohlfühleffekt für die Gäste - all dies kann selbst bei einer Entfernung von 100km schon unterschiedliche Reaktionen hervorrufen. Dank leitender Tätigkeiten in Casinos und bei Veranstaltungen weltweit, weiß das Team von Aleatrust, worauf es ankommt. Das Team setzt sich intensiv mit den lokalen Gegebenheiten und Bräuchen auseinander und ermittelt die besten Lösungsansätze für Ihren Fall, um die perfekte Balance zwischen lokalen Bedürfnissen und den Erwartungen auswärtiger Besucher zu gewährleisten.
The service portfolio ranges from a spot check of the conditions, to several days of observation and analysis of the game operation, to an intensive screening of all processes, including behind the scenes. Aleatrust will gladly prepare an individual offer for your needs.
Compliance is a cornerstone of a sustainable offer. Thanks to the experience of the Aleatrust team and a network of experts in this field, support and training in all areas of compliance are offered. The following is an excerpt of the current services.
Information and Data Security
This area is often neglected, but it is imperative, especially in view of the large amount of sensitive data that a gaming company collects and processes on a daily basis. A solid concept, as well as clearly defined competencies and processes protect both the operator and the highly sensitive customer, supplier and employee data.
Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer have long been a cornerstone of compliance and are now indispensable. The regulations in this regard are regularly updated and expanded throughout the EU, as most recently with the mandatory PEP (Politically Exposed Person) check. Aleatrust helps you stay up to date and define processes that comply with all regulations without unnecessarily complicating the guest experience. nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Bestimmungen dazu werden EU-weit regelmäßig aktualisiert und erweitert, wie zuletzt durch den verpflichtenden PEP-Check (Politically Exposed Person). Aleatrust hilft Ihnen, auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben und Abläufe zu definieren, die alle Bestimmungen erfüllen, ohne das Erlebnis des Besuchs für die Gäste unnötig zu verkomplizieren.
Casino and quality management systems go hand in hand with other compliance regulations. Supported by a network of specialists, Aleatrust has the overview and can filter out the suitable systems for you or propose an individual solution.
Certification Processes
Aleatrust assists in all certification processes and has experts in its team who have already successfully accompanied countless certifications in the gaming sector. Even for individual solutions, nothing stands in the way of ISO certification with this support.
Glücksspiel steht stets im Spannungsfeld nationaler und internationaler Regelwerke. Nur ausgewiesene Expert:innen haben hier den Überblick. Aleatrust hat die Fachexpert:innen im Netzwerk - mit großer Erfahrung, tiefem Einblick und einer Hands-on-Mentalität.
Hardly any other area is as strictly regulated as gaming. Often, everything already hinges on the choice of the right legal team. The Aleatrust team has successfully participated in several comprehensive licensing applications and has many years of experience in gaming law. A broad network of experts in national and international gaming law ensures that your decisions today and in the future, both nationally and on a European level, are based on a solid legal foundation.
Hand in hand with the areas of Responsible Gaming and Compliance, chances of success in licensing processes can be solidly assessed in advance. If desired, a legal framework can be created that protects you from recourse claims and other undesirable side effects by taking action instead of reacting.
It is inevitable for providers in the gaming sector that some differences end up in court. In this case, the experts can draw on extensive litigation experience before national and international high courts to help you obtain justice.
Das in Filmen oftmals gezeichnete Bild der Casinos als erste Adresse für groß angelegte Überfälle entspricht längst nicht mehr der Realität - vorausgesetzt, Sie haben vorgesorgt. Aleatrust hat die Expertise und setzt mit Ihnen die besten Sicherheits- und Präventionskonzepte um.
Like banks and armored transport companies, casinos are one of the places where large amounts of money and other material assets are regularly located and which are therefore exposed to a greatly increased risk.
In order to counteract well-known criminal attacks such as burglary, robbery or theft, it is necessary to implement the most modern technical installations and personnel equipment for prevention, detection, defense and traceability. This is the only way to ensure support for rapid and efficient prosecution by the authorities, especially in light of the special facets of (sometimes internationally organized) gaming fraud in live and slot gaming.
In addition, the data security already described under Compliance must be ensured in order to protect highly sensitive customer data, but of course also internal company information, from unauthorized access.
The Aleatrust partners have expertise and excellent references in the gaming sector, both in property protection and in the protection of material assets, and last but not least in IT security.
The services include comprehensive security concepts, as well as employee screening, employee awareness training or stress tests of your existing systems and processes.
Die Attraktivität des Anbieters steht und fällt mit dem öffentlichen Auftritt - und mit ihr der wirtschaftliche Erfolg. Aleatrust hat ein Team von Expert:innen für alle Bereiche der Positionierung - von der Entwicklung einer Storyline über die Erarbeitung von Corporate Identity, Corporate Design bis hin zum Webdesign.
The team works with renowned web designers who have successfully managed numerous projects in the gaming sector. Websites for gaming companies are often subject to strict requirements regarding responsible advertising, player protection and compliance. And yet the convenience for visitors must not suffer.
The Aleatrust team covers all these areas. Together with you we will find the best solutions to create an appealing design and an inviting website that meets all requirements and regulations.
Whether it's a relaunch, or a design from scratch, the Aleatrust team has vast experience in the design and creation for the gaming sector and will be happy to assist you.
Gaming companies are constantly in the focus of the public, media and also political perception. All the more important to have a well thought-out corporate communications strategy from start to finish.
Especially in gaming companies, the individual employees often come from different regions and countries, all of which have their own forms of expression. Developing a precise corporate communications strategy is therefore essential for sustainable success.
Together with you, our experts will develop all the necessary guidelines to create a consistent image on all channels. Corporate Communications includes internal communication (employees) as well as the three areas of external communication ( guests, press, business partners). If a consistent strategy is pursued, the corporate identity is strengthened, the recognition value is increased, professionalism is ensured, the external impact is efficiently controlled and, last but not least, the working atmosphere is improved.
An often neglected aspect in this context is that corporate communications does not only steer written communication, but that it is definitely beneficial to have consistent corporate communication in direct conversations as well. This ensures a uniform language and corporate culture, especially for companies with multiple locations.
Together with Corporate Identity and Corporate Communications, Public Relations and Public Affairs help you to be perceived favorably. In the gaming industry in particular, public perception often determines the success or failure of a company.
Public Relations not only supports you through press releases, contacts with the media, branding, social media, web presence, PR campaigns, etc. - it is much more about taking the right measures at the right time. Even in a crisis situation, the PR experts of the Aleatrust team always keep a cool head and competently take over PR crisis management in order to avert further damage.
Public Affairs focuses mainly on licensing processes and the political landscape. Aleatrust's PA experts have contacts to decision-makers on a national and international level in order to always be well informed about the direction in which laws and framework conditions may currently develop, as well as over the next years and decades.
Together with the network of specialists, Aleatrust can develop and execute the perfect strategy for your company in these sensitive areas.
Advertising for gaming companies is subject to the strictest regulations, of which many marketing agencies are not always fully aware. Planning campaigns correctly from the outset and taking into account all the provisions of local legislation (player protection, protection of minors, responsible advertising, etc.) not only saves time and money, but also protects your company from consequential damage.
The hand-picked partner agencies in the field of marketing have the necessary experience to plan the advertising presence consistently and in compliance with all regulations according to your ideas. Together with Aleatrust, these agencies have accompanied successful projects in the industry throughout Europe and will be happy to work with you to develop a sustainably successful marketing presence for your company.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for gaming companies must also be in line with the strict regulations and still represent a decisive added value for your company. The experts of the Aleatrust team have dealt with a wide variety of CRM systems during their careers and can determine the best software for your needs.
Coupled with the latest performance tools to evaluate and improve the success of marketing and CRM efforts, Aleatrust offers an all-around package for modern, sustainable gaming businesses.
The Aleatrust team knows how important skilled staff is in this sensitive market. From decades of experience in this industry, we offer a comprehensive and individually adaptable training portfolio at a fair price in conjunction with the online training professionals from Digiteach-Academy.
In cooperation with Digiteach-Academy, Aleatrust develops courses and tutorials for employees in the gaming industry. This is where the team's decades of national and international experience come into play. The latest trends and developments are incorporated as well as the tradition of the classics. Croupier and Croupière, Dealers, but also the personnel in catering, administration, organization, service and management absolutely need a profound understanding of the gaming procedures and all of its processes in order to provide all guests and participants with a perfect and carefree gaming experience.
Gaming operators worldwide are looking for staff with increasing urgency. However, the search for employees often fails due to time and location factors, as training does not necessarily guarantee employment and often requires applicants to relocate for months. On-site courses are time-consuming and very cost-intensive. If participants are found to be only conditionally suitable after a few days or weeks, the time spent beforehand was a bad investment.
With online courses, potential employees are prepared and screened, drastically reducing the time spent on in-person training. Applicants can thus already acquire almost all of the theoretical course content and train practical parts of the courses at home before they decide to take the job and complete the shortened in-person practical portion of the course at the respective company. Gaming operators thus reach a large number of applicants, who otherwise would not have been willing to invest the time and travel. During the courses, the content learned is tested after each chapter. This ensures that graduates of the courses already have all the necessary basic knowledge and have dealt intensively with the subject matter.
Dealer Training Online
Currently, the course for poker dealers is in production. In this program, candidates learn the game, its many variations, and the methods of operation from the ground up. Handling of cards and chips are included, as well as procedures, rules, tournaments, cash games, rake and any irregularities that may occur while working at the table. Graduates of this online course only need the finishing touches in handling and working methods before they are assigned to the table.
Subsequently, courses for roulette, blackjack and other casino games will also be offered starting in 2023. All courses are modular and can accordingly take into account local procedures and house rules. During production, Aleatrust and Digiteach-Academy will already anticipate all this and can thus adapt the courses to the respective wishes of the casinos.
Furthermore, there is of course the option to produce individual courses for casinos or to supplement individual parts of the courses at the customer's request.
Slot Parlor and Betting Office Training Online
Due to the often extensive branch network of providers, the training of new employees frequently becomes a personnel-intensive matter for the operators. A large part of the content to be imparted can also be done via customized online training. Employees can internalize the in-house processes and the required knowledge at home, which significantly reduces the personnel-intensive training time.
Receptionist and Cashier Training Online
Online training is also beneficial for these areas. New employees can learn the procedures and processes before they start work for the first time. In case of system changes or new procedures, an online course replaces the personnel- and time-intensive on-site training.
Responsible Gaming (RG) Training Online
All licensed gaming operators require regular RG training for their employees. Aleatrust offers frequent training sessions and an RG Academy in cooperation with the association "RG Forum Austria'' (RGFA). All lectures and instructions are recorded and can be accessed online. Attendance confirmations and certificates to prove the consumed RG content will be issued by RGFA.
Of course, your internal training can also be recorded and made available to your employees via the learning platform.
Compliance Training Online
Subsequently, regular compliance training is also offered on all topics of this complex area. Individual training videos for your processes can be produced if desired.
Security Training Online
Gaming operators need a comprehensive security concept to protect guests, employees and material assets. General training in this area is offered, as well as courses created specifically for your company.
Annual Safety Briefings Online
Many areas of a company require annual refresher courses for all employees. Whether cleaning, fire protection, first aid, and so forth - all theoretical content and most practical instructions can be taught via an online course with a certificate of attendance.
Thanks to decades of experience in the gaming sector, Aleatrust has a worldwide network of contacts in the industry. Whether exchange with other providers, search for suitable suppliers, or the desire to address new players and markets - Aleatrust has the right partners and is looking forward to supporting you.
The Aleatrust team regularly visits major trade fairs, follows product launches and stays up to date with the latest slot and live game innovations. We are also no strangers to Web 3.0, augmented and virtual reality, as well as other innovations, which will do much more than just set new accents in the industry in the coming years.
Supplier Network
Choosing the right equipment and gaming range is a decision that should be made carefully. Aleatrust knows the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment currently available on the market and will be happy to work with you to determine which range best suits your offer and your needs.
Operator Network
Particularly in direct exchanges between providers in the gaming sector, there is often a reluctance to share information. No one likes to reveal their secrets of success and as a result, the shared potential of an open exchange is not infrequently misjudged. Filtering the important contacts and leads in order to promote a relaxed and productive dialog is a challenge that Aleatrust gladly accepts.
Key Player Network
There are also quite a few key players and "influencers" in the gaming sector who need to be convinced. Aleatrust has already identified many of these guests and knows their needs, interests and preferences. Whether it is your own high-roller areas, the establishment of a sought-after game that is not offered in the surrounding area, or the development of new visitor groups - Aleatrust identifies the required key players and will gladly create an acquisition concept for you.
Event Organization and Optimation
It is not uncommon for events in gaming operations to be planned and scheduled out of "tradition". The power of this habit tempts providers time and again to disregard current trends, possible scheduling conflicts, as well as the general consideration of how timely and beneficial the event still is for the operator. Upon request, Aleatrust will examine the current planning processes and will be happy to create optimized concepts for you.
In the course of their respective careers, the members of the Aleatrust team have been significantly involved in the planning of countless events in gaming operations. From hand-picked highroller rounds to multi-day events with thousands of visitors - Aleatrust has profound knowledge and experience.
Aleatrust offers an all-encompassing portfolio of poker-related services: from market evaluation and strategy development to the rollout of a new offering or the optimization of an existing one - including hosting high-profile tournaments and attracting top players from all over the world.
Poker has a unique characteristic among all games in a casino - it is the only game that is not played against the house, but is played by the players against each other. For this reason, it is often neglected and treated stepmotherly even by experienced gaming managers. Yet poker in particular enjoys such strong public interest and attention as no other game. Tournaments attract thousands of visitors from all over the world and are regularly broadcast on TV and streaming formats.
Many casinos have already recognized that poker should be given a higher profile and that a well-run poker section can make a significant contribution to revenue. While the poker game itself may at first glance appear to be staff-intensive and not very profitable, the indirect profitability from these additional visitors should not be overlooked.
Aleatrust verfügt über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Poker-Bereich, sowohl in konzessionierten Spielbanken, als auch in der Privatwirtschaft. Nicht nur in Österreich, sondern auch international haben die Mitglieder des Aleatrust-Teams unzählige Events der größten Poker-Touren organisiert und begleitet. Unter anderem war unser Team für die World Series of Poker (WSOP), World Poker Tour (WPT), European Poker Tour (EPT), Poker-Europameisterschaft und Concord Million im Einsatz bzw. verantwortlich. Aleatrust steht gerne in allen Bereichen des Pokerspiels tatkräftig zur Seite, kennt die Marktsituationen, die international erfolgreichen Profis und die höchst erfolgreichen Hobbyspieler und lädt diese gerne zu Events und Turnieren bei Aleatrust Kunden ein.
Optimization of Poker Operations
Aleatrust analyzes your current poker operation and provides expert advice on how to make it even more successful. This includes on the one hand the rules, working methods and processes including training of the employees, and on the other hand the optimization of the offer (cash game limits, betting structures and buy-ins, tournament planning, structures and prize money).
Organization of Poker Tournaments and Festivals
Whether you already have an idea or prefer to hand over the entire planning - the Aleatrust team has successfully organized countless tournaments and can ensure that everything runs smoothly. This includes, if desired, the creation of tournament plans, the coordination with international events to avoid scheduling conflicts, the acquisition of personnel, the organization of equipment, and of course the management of the tournaments by trained staff.
Organization of Poker Equipment
There is hardly any other casino game where players spend as much time at the table as in poker. The selection of the right furniture and equipment therefore makes a decisive contribution to the comfort and subsequently the length of stay of the guests. Whether basic equipment or upgrades - Aleatrust has the contact to manufacturers and can filter out the suitable products together with you.
Organization of Poker Dealers
Not only through the training platform, but also through Europe-wide contacts to training centers and poker staffing agencies, Aleatrust has a broad network and can arrange temporary staff for large events.
Arrangement of Poker Events and Tours
Aleatrust has close contact with poker tours and poker travel providers who are always looking for new locations to host their events. Together we can find the right partner for events in your casino.
In existing structures and operations, it does not take long for a certain operational blindness to set in. Once established, an external view is needed to identify deficiencies and optimization potential. Aleatrust can provide this perspective, as well as concrete suggestions for maximizing operating results.
Sometimes it's just inconveniently placed gaming tables or slots that unintentionally reduce guest comfort and thus hurt the bottom line, or the new, supposedly better, seating doesn't stand up to the long-term test and the situation is recognized too late. The smallest changes can trigger a domino effect in gaming companies that must be stopped in time.
Casinos and gaming establishments may exist almost worldwide, but the perfect conditions are as regional as the respective cuisines and dialects. The correct way of addressing guests, the local house rules and customs for live and slot games, the feel-good effect for guests - all this can cause different reactions even at a distance of 100km. Thanks to leading positions in casinos and events worldwide, the Aleatrust team knows what is important. The team takes a close look at local conditions and customs to determine the best approach for your case, ensuring the perfect balance between local needs and the expectations of out-of-town visitors.
The service portfolio ranges from a spot check of the conditions, to several days of observation and analysis of the game operation, to an intensive screening of all processes, including behind the scenes. Aleatrust will gladly prepare an individual offer for your needs.
Compliance is a cornerstone of a sustainable offer. Thanks to the experience of the Aleatrust team and a network of experts in this field, support and training in all areas of compliance are offered. The following is an excerpt of the current services.
Information and Data Security
This area is often neglected, but it is imperative, especially in view of the large amount of sensitive data that a gaming company collects and processes on a daily basis. A solid concept, as well as clearly defined competencies and processes protect both the operator and the highly sensitive customer, supplier and employee data.
Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer have long been a cornerstone of compliance and are now indispensable. The regulations in this regard are regularly updated and expanded throughout the EU, as most recently with the mandatory PEP (Politically Exposed Person) check. Aleatrust helps you stay up to date and define processes that comply with all regulations without unnecessarily complicating the guest experience. nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Bestimmungen dazu werden EU-weit regelmäßig aktualisiert und erweitert, wie zuletzt durch den verpflichtenden PEP-Check (Politically Exposed Person). Aleatrust hilft Ihnen, auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben und Abläufe zu definieren, die alle Bestimmungen erfüllen, ohne das Erlebnis des Besuchs für die Gäste unnötig zu verkomplizieren.
Casino and quality management systems go hand in hand with other compliance regulations. Supported by a network of specialists, Aleatrust has the overview and can filter out the suitable systems for you or propose an individual solution.
Certification Processes
Aleatrust assists in all certification processes and has experts in its team who have already successfully accompanied countless certifications in the gaming sector. Even for individual solutions, nothing stands in the way of ISO certification with this support.
Gaming is always subject to an array of national and international regulations. Only proven experts have the overview in this area. Aleatrust has the right experts in its network - with extensive experience, deep insight and a hands-on mentality.
Hardly any other area is as strictly regulated as gaming. Often, everything already hinges on the choice of the right legal team. The Aleatrust team has successfully participated in several comprehensive licensing applications and has many years of experience in gaming law. A broad network of experts in national and international gaming law ensures that your decisions today and in the future, both nationally and on a European level, are based on a solid legal foundation.
Hand in hand with the areas of Responsible Gaming and Compliance, chances of success in licensing processes can be solidly assessed in advance. If desired, a legal framework can be created that protects you from recourse claims and other undesirable side effects by taking action instead of reacting.
It is inevitable for providers in the gaming sector that some differences end up in court. In this case, the experts can draw on extensive litigation experience before national and international high courts to help you obtain justice.
The image of casinos as the first address for large-scale robberies, which is often portrayed in movies, has long since ceased to correspond to reality - provided you have taken precautions. Aleatrust has the expertise and implements the best security and prevention concepts together with you.
Like banks and armored transport companies, casinos are one of the places where large amounts of money and other material assets are regularly located and which are therefore exposed to a greatly increased risk.
In order to counteract well-known criminal attacks such as burglary, robbery or theft, it is necessary to implement the most modern technical installations and personnel equipment for prevention, detection, defense and traceability. This is the only way to ensure support for rapid and efficient prosecution by the authorities, especially in light of the special facets of (sometimes internationally organized) gaming fraud in live and slot gaming.
In addition, the data security already described under Compliance must be ensured in order to protect highly sensitive customer data, but of course also internal company information, from unauthorized access.
The Aleatrust partners have expertise and excellent references in the gaming sector, both in property protection and in the protection of material assets, and last but not least in IT security.
The services include comprehensive security concepts, as well as employee screening, employee awareness training or stress tests of your existing systems and processes.
The appeal of a provider depends on its public image - and with it its economic success. Aleatrust has a team of experts for all areas of positioning - from the development of a storyline to the elaboration of corporate identity, corporate design and web design.
The team works with renowned web designers who have successfully managed numerous projects in the gaming sector. Websites for gaming companies are often subject to strict requirements regarding responsible advertising, player protection and compliance. And yet the convenience for visitors must not suffer.
The Aleatrust team covers all these areas. Together with you we will find the best solutions to create an appealing design and an inviting website that meets all requirements and regulations.
Whether it's a relaunch, or a design from scratch, the Aleatrust team has vast experience in the design and creation for the gaming sector and will be happy to assist you.
Gaming companies are constantly in the focus of the public, media and also political perception. All the more important to have a well thought-out corporate communications strategy from start to finish.
Especially in gaming companies, the individual employees often come from different regions and countries, all of which have their own forms of expression. Developing a precise corporate communications strategy is therefore essential for sustainable success.
Together with you, our experts will develop all the necessary guidelines to create a consistent image on all channels. Corporate Communications includes internal communication (employees) as well as the three areas of external communication ( guests, press, business partners). If a consistent strategy is pursued, the corporate identity is strengthened, the recognition value is increased, professionalism is ensured, the external impact is efficiently controlled and, last but not least, the working atmosphere is improved.
An often neglected aspect in this context is that corporate communications does not only steer written communication, but that it is definitely beneficial to have consistent corporate communication in direct conversations as well. This ensures a uniform language and corporate culture, especially for companies with multiple locations.
Together with Corporate Identity and Corporate Communications, Public Relations and Public Affairs help you to be perceived favorably. In the gaming industry in particular, public perception often determines the success or failure of a company.
Public Relations not only supports you through press releases, contacts with the media, branding, social media, web presence, PR campaigns, etc. - it is much more about taking the right measures at the right time. Even in a crisis situation, the PR experts of the Aleatrust team always keep a cool head and competently take over PR crisis management in order to avert further damage.
Public Affairs focuses mainly on licensing processes and the political landscape. Aleatrust's PA experts have contacts to decision-makers on a national and international level in order to always be well informed about the direction in which laws and framework conditions may currently develop, as well as over the next years and decades.
Together with the network of specialists, Aleatrust can develop and execute the perfect strategy for your company in these sensitive areas.
Advertising for gaming companies is subject to the strictest regulations, of which many marketing agencies are not always fully aware. Planning campaigns correctly from the outset and taking into account all the provisions of local legislation (player protection, protection of minors, responsible advertising, etc.) not only saves time and money, but also protects your company from consequential damage.
The hand-picked partner agencies in the field of marketing have the necessary experience to plan the advertising presence consistently and in compliance with all regulations according to your ideas. Together with Aleatrust, these agencies have accompanied successful projects in the industry throughout Europe and will be happy to work with you to develop a sustainably successful marketing presence for your company.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for gaming companies must also be in line with the strict regulations and still represent a decisive added value for your company. The experts of the Aleatrust team have dealt with a wide variety of CRM systems during their careers and can determine the best software for your needs.
Coupled with the latest performance tools to evaluate and improve the success of marketing and CRM efforts, Aleatrust offers an all-around package for modern, sustainable gaming businesses.

Managing Partner
As a third generation croupier, his enthusiasm for the gaming sector was practically inherited from the cradle. He began his career in 2007 by training as a croupier at Casino Innsbruck. After just one year, he was discovered and recruited by the European Poker Tour (EPT), where he worked for several years in various casinos in Europe. In 2012 Casinos Austria recruited him back for the position of Poker Manager in Innsbruck and in 2016 with the move to Vienna for all 12 terrestrial casinos in Austria. In the years that followed, he developed the Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) into an internationally acclaimed top event, had a major influence on the European Poker Championship (Poker EM) over a period of four years and hosted the two largest Highroller tournaments in the company’s history to date as part of this event. As one of Europe’s leading poker experts, he has trained and educated more than 600 poker dealers and is also an authority-certified consultant for gaming in Austria. During his time at the head office of Casino Austria, his responsibilities were soon not limited to poker, as he also became actively involved in other areas of the company and took on executive responsibilities in key accounting and management consulting.

Senior Advisor
Brings over 20 years of experience in the gaming industry and has designed and co-hosted over 10,000 poker tournaments during his career. Highlights included the Austrian stops of the European Poker Tour and, over a period of eight years, an international tournament with up to 5,000 participants, one million euros in guaranteed prize money and events in a total of ten European countries. From 2012 to 2020, the proven expert in gaming security and regulations headed Concord Card Casino Vienna. As casino manager, he was responsible for the independent management of a 24-hour operation with over 100 employees. As a result, he is just as familiar with the preparation and analysis of statistics based on key figures/cost centers as he is with effective staff management and motivation. Thanks to close cooperation with several online casino partners, he was able to gain valuable experience during his career and also worked as a consultant in this field until the foundation of Aleatrust.

Senior Advisor
Looks back on over 30 years of experience at Casinos Austria and served as casino director for seven years. He began his training in 1990 as a croupier at Casino Seefeld, then worked in the casinos in Vienna and Baden, and from 2002 was a staff representative, including two years as Chairman of the Works Council at the Baden site. After holding several positions in management - Guest Relations, Controlling and Organizations - he was appointed Head of Casino Kitzbühel in 2013. From 2015, he was entrusted with the development of the newly emerging Casino Zell am See and was responsible for the entire construction supervision, organization and perfect integration into the tourism community. Paul Vogel has made a name for himself at Casinos Austria and beyond as an outstanding networker and key account manager. Most recently, he was highly successful as Director of Casino Velden, including its congress center and award-winning gastronomy. Here, too, he succeeded in inviting major players from all over the world and offering them perfect gaming enjoyment.
Together with his son Mario Vogel, he founded the Digiteach Academy in 2021. This e- learning content company is not only the cooperation partner for the E-Casino Academy in conjunction with Aleatrust, but also highly successful in creating courses and training for the security and cleaning sector.